Timeline of the Lord’s Last Supper, Pt 4, Mystery from the Foundation, Mystery of the Wheat
“The wheat of Korazim is sought as an Omer offering, even though [the town] is not close to Jerusalem.” https://www.biblewhere.com/virtual_to…
They did buy the wheat from Korazim and give it in the temple as a freewill offering.
https://en.parks.org.il/reserve-park/… Grassy batha: The basalt plateau produces an abundance of grassy species, mainly grains. A large quantity of wild (emmer) wheat grows here and the ancestors of other domesticated plants. In spring the plateau is dotted with tall hollyhocks.
https://en.parks.org.il/reserve-park/… The town of Korazim is first mentioned in sources from the Second Temple period, noting the fine wheat the inhabitants raised there. It flourished at the end of the talmudic period. In the New Testament, Korazim is mentioned as one of three towns – together with Bethsaida and Capernaum – which Jesus cursed because they did not heed his teachings (Matt. 11:20).
Lessons from the Field and Checking the Black Emmer Wheat~ April 2022
The Timeline of the Lord’s Last Passover Supper, Pt 3 Sacrificed Once for All
Are you watching the weather or the firstfruits offering?
Black Volunteer Wheat Used in Jerusalem at the Temple
The black volunteer wheat used at the Jerusalem temple is being born. After Yeshua rose, who is the grain of wheat destined to bring forth many, He walked with His disciples more than 40 days.
My opinion is the wheat matures in this 40…
Olive Tree Update
Short video of my olive tree scheduled to bloom by Shavuot.