Feb 1, 2021, 12:30 PM – Becca Biderman posted in In search of His ancient and true path …from cover to cover.

It’s that time of year that I ask you to pray for the entire family tree. The Body of Messiah has many calendars but we are assured there is only one correct narrow ancient path that few find. And then there are others in the Body on wider paths with throngs of travelers, paths that are not based on understanding the foreshadowing (patterns) the work ישוע was sent to accomplish.

I have never told you what to believe. I have used this group as a platform for my single voice so that you can hear from me clearly what I believe and why I believe what I believe. I beg you dear reader; study, search, cry out to יהוה in the name of ישוע with a thirsty obedient heart and HE will direct your path.

Only beware of looking for evidence of the משיח from the spiritual tables of those who are blinded to the fact that He is our משיח.

Be willing to grow in scripture, challenge what you have believed. The first year I arrived in Israel it was the month of Feb, in Mar I was watching Rood Awakening waiting for a report on the barley and if the new year would begin. NEVER in my wildest dreams would I have believed that my understanding of WHAT I had believed would be able to change so much.

Pray, that we ALL continue to grow in understanding. This is what יה has been speaking to me this year: How does the Body come into unity? One belief. One belief for the first-century Believer included the correct feast/Sabbaths of the Biblical calendar, faith in ישוע, and obedience to the Torah of יה. Under Moses, there was one Torah, one calendar, and one יה. That is where unity comes from, that is how the Body will be unified under our משיח.Updated Feb 1, 2021, 12:30 PM