So I’ve just heard that the generals of the IDF are meeting on an emergency basis. For those of you that have been with me awhile you know that I have an understanding that throughout Israel’s history the kings of neighboring countries always went to war at the turn of the year. Read the story of David and Bathsheba and you’ll see the exact same thing David was supposed to have gone to war but he stayed back in the palace. We are right here approaching the turn of the Year again and we are hearing explosions coming out of Syria. Last year it was the same thing we heard many threats and rumors of an impending War. One thing is for sure whether or not this turns into a full scale war or not we are seeing the Kings Skirmish between themselves here as the year begins to turn again. Solomon said there’s nothing new Under the Sun. And here we are again centuries later with Kings following the same pattern in this land that they’ve always followed.Updated Feb 10, 2018, 7:48 PM