Feb 23, 2021, 9:35 PM – Becca Biderman posted in In search of His ancient and true path …from cover to cover.

I’ve just come in from spending two days in the south.

I can report that the Anemones are over. We met local tourists running around asking *us* if we knew where they could find them. I spoke with the lady at the snack stand in Be’eri who told me the Calanits/Anemones are already finished. This is a very strong indicator of the early advancement of the year.

As far as the barley that I looked at. I saw what I went to see. There were two flushes of barley in the south as well. An early presentation and there was a later presentation. The early flush or presentation of barley is soft to medium-dough. There was about a quarter of an acre in Re’im that could have been harvested. But of course, as I am plainly stating this was an early flush and the flocks have been in there. I don’t want you to be confused. We don’t NEED this barley to determine anything concerning the current biblical year. I went to see what was going on in the south and to look for new areas to inspect. The land is ALWAYS changing. This year I’ve seen planted fields where previously there were no fields and the reverse as well. To conclude this subject I saw enough barley on this trip to know that the south also had the first flush of barley in the field circa Dec 24 just like the field here in the north.

The other inspection group will need to have to look for areas that the flocks did not graze down as it appears to me that the lambs and kids in the south came early too.

I met a geneticist on a sheep farm of all places. We happened to speak about the wild barley and she explained to me when and how the barley changes color. She encouraged me to become involved with the Israel Seed Vault who collects and preserves seeds from our indigenous plants and share my observation of growing the emmer and following the wild barley in Israel.

What a divine provisional appointment this was. Yah supplied an answer to a question on the wild barley that I had been seeking for a couple of years! On a sheep farm that had a geneticist working there because of Corona! She wasn’t working her regular job and today she happened to be volunteering on the farm of a childhood friend. Only Yah can orchestrate such an event.

When I’ve rested a bit I will work on uploading some video of the advanced barley in the south. Of course, you know, this will not be considered aviv by the other group. And it will not be ‘enough’ for them. But again, I was just looking in the south to see what had happened to the barley field there. Same as the north, 2 flushes of barley this yearUpdated Feb 25, 2021, 11:29 AM