Feb 5, 2021, 8:52 AM – Becca Biderman posted in In search of His ancient and true path …from cover to cover.

Listen to me please. I know you all are going to bring me the news of whom is saying what about my ability and understanding of the scriptures and barley.

I have checked and keep checking with יהוה about what I’m doing and asking to be corrected. To date, I have gratefulness and peace residing in my heart.

I am only required by יהוה to stand in my testimony and stay close to Abba (Ps37) and He will take care of the details of how to handle every situation… but me,what am I to do about the verbal onslaught? I’m only required to stand.

On small note about all of this talk of 11 months….No one believing that they kept the previous year correctly is entertaining that they could be wrong. 11 months is a psychological statement that’s meant to prop up their positions. We have not seen an 11 month year. We have never had an 11 month year. Our year will be 12 month, additionally the other 6 species give us witness to the timing. This year, Yah willing, I will continue to report them to you.

This will be the last I post on the matter. I’m standing and saying what I see & touch. I’m only telling you what I’ve observed and why I have decided to beginning the new year…..the rest is up to you.

Look for ישוע in the shadow types of the feasts and offerings. Beware of following and learning from those who deny Him. Study, study, study the scripturesUpdated Feb 13, 2021, 9:58 PM