Jan 27, 2018, 1:16 PM – Becca Biderman posted in In search of His ancient and true path …from cover to cover.

Are we Bride worthy?

Step one: Do we love the Law of Elohim enough to allow it to separate us from the world, including the things we love that are not lawlessness? Maybe yes. Ps 119

Step two: Have we learned to ‘count it all as joy’; to count things lost to us or sorrows, or oppression, persecutions, etc as a joy that we must allow Elohim to use to work faith and patience in us, through us, for us? As our Messiah laid down everything He was entitled to and bore the shame and reproach of the tree as a mere servant to mankind to redeem the altars of our hearts so that the Holy Spirit could dwell there? Will we lay all of our rights down and count it as a joy to do the will of our Messiah by following his footsteps?

As a side note. Do you know where the first covenant foreshadowing of our Heavenly King’s Son that lays his life down is located in scripture? 1 Samuel: It’s Saul’s son Jonathan (which means to give) John 3:16 He GAVE His only begotten son. Jonathon as the king’s son from the tribe of Benjamin, who laid down his claim to the throne for the sake of David (the tribe of Judah). Messiah came to Judah, the Jew first. Our scriptures tell us that Jonathon loved David as his own flesh. Jonathon was a type of our brother Yeshua that was to come Who would lay His claim to His heavenly throne down and lay His life down for our redemption. John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Step three: Have we loved those who would do us harm, who reject our words, who see our walk as ‘foolishness’…have we loved them more than we love our next breath?

Still struggling with step two.Updated Jan 28, 2018, 12:43 AM