Mar 22, 2021, 2:28 PM – Becca Biderman posted in In search of His ancient and true path …from cover to cover.

Thus saith the talmud: Cancel the (2nd month) Passover this month!!! It’s raining and the roads will be muddy so the pilgrims can’t travel because they will get muddy feet!!

G-d forbid that we change our lives to merit better weather, instead let’s just change the rules and throw everyone off the correct calendar. The TALMUD says if the roads are muddy then we can’t journey. Really? are we still lost in the burden of man’s yoke?

You can’t take the standard and the patterns in Torah that were designed for a righteous nation and expect them to also work in a time of gross spiritual darkness. Darkness because they or even we the body, follow talmudic rules, laws, and traditions rather than chasing the favor of Elohim.Updated Mar 25, 2021, 2:48 PM