I located wild spelt today. Why am I interested in spelt? Some translations of Exodus 9:32 replace the word “rie” with the word “spelt”. I’m not sure that’s a correct understanding. Ex 9:32 says Exo 9:32 KJV But the wheat and the rie were not smitten: for they were not grown up. Both grains were afilot (in darkness or in the boot). I’m not sure about this plants physical changes and development but now I know a location with a LOT of wild spelt . Yah willing, I will be watching it come up out of the earth next year. However, I’m also going to be looking for Einkorn. There are some who believe that Einkorn was the source of wheat which is interesting considering the difference in their genome count . However, I’m good with rie actually being Einkorn. It makes more sense considering the grains had to be hidden in darkness and Einkorn shares a similar physical appearance with Emmer. This will be another thing that I ask Elohim to clarify for us “exactly what was the rie”?