Barley inspection will be in early March this year. From Brian and Linda Convery, Abib of God:
Abib Update
Wednesday January 3, 2018
Hi Folks,
We certainly hope things are well with you all and that you are growing in the favor,
acceptance, and knowledge of our Father and our Savior/Husband. Lots of snow and cold temps
for weeks here in Kendall NY. We had a zoom presentation 2 weeks ago about the process of
evaluating the upcoming year based on the volunteer barley growth in Israel. We were able to
use Google Earth to show the folks online the main locations we inspect in the Land. We also
made use of the IMS site to follow the weather conditions from August up to mid-December.
For those of you who follow such things you are aware that the entire country has been in a
severe drought. Many of the locations we inspect were experiencing only 30-35% of the
average normal rainfall for the same period as mentioned above.
We also discussed the effect that meteorological conditions have on the barley growth in any
given year. Too much rain; very tall thick stocks and a prolonged maturing process. Too little
rain; short stocks and an early maturing process.
What we do to evaluate the possibility of when the year will begin is to obviously use the end of
the 12th month of the current year we are in as the starting point. Then we count backwards
from when Wavesheaf Day would fall if it started at that time to see when the volunteer barley
would have to germinate. Most know barley can germinate at 34 degrees Fahrenheit. Because
it can, does not mean it will. It still needs sun and moisture to initiate the process. In Israel, sun
is not usually a problem but moisture is. If you take a 90-day growth cycle, and work backwards
from April 8th which would most likely be Wavesheaf Day at least for our reckoning, it would
bring us to the second week of January. Keep in mind this is a complete growth cycle.
As many of you who read this update know the rains have started in earnest the past 10 days
and more intensively the past 5 days. Both Pierre and Becca have brought this up with us and
probably relayed such information on their Facebook pages. Becca sent some pictures of fields
sprouting as well. Happy days ahead for all the little barley if the rains continue. The timing was
perfect this year for a start of the year on March 19 (once again if you use our reckoning of
moons and such).
As we have learned over the past 16 years, many factors can influence the speed of the growth
cycle. This year coming up has some characteristics already, of being a harvest which would be
spread out over 5 or more weeks according to elevation. We will wait and see what our
Creators have in store for us.
Brian and LindaUpdated Jan 5, 2018, 7:32 AM