Jan 4, 2018, 3:19 PM – Becca Biderman posted in In search of His ancient and true path …from cover to cover.

Some photos into Jordan on the road to see what’s happening in some of the barley locations.

The fields up north all look about the same. When you get to the junction of the Jezreel Valley and the Jordan Valley rift the barley is about 2-3 inches taller. There’s usually a bit more rainfall in this area. I will say it again, the turn of the year is going to be fast and furious this season.Updated Jan 4, 2018, 4:51 PM

Jan 4, 2018, 8:01 AM – Becca Biderman shared a post to the group: In search of His ancient and true path …from cover to cover.

This would be somewhat correct according to what we see from the stories in the Tenakh. The correct answer would be if the terrorist died in the act of his crime for his crime OR if he was made a slave and had to work towards the common good and prosperity of Israel with no hope of future release or contact with his people. Either way, this will prevent said-terrorist from the right to receive money and making children while being supported on Israel’s shekel in the prison cell.Updated Jan 4, 2018, 8:01 AM

Jan 4, 2018, 7:51 AM – Becca Biderman shared a video to the group: In search of His ancient and true path …from cover to cover.

A dear friend of mine who is a believer (in fact, of all the Messianics I’ve met in Israel our beliefs, are very, very much the same) has a grandfather that survived the Hebron massacre mentioned in this video. What a precious fascinating man I’d love to meet in his lifetime. He is a linguist that came to know Yeshua his Messiah through the language of the Torah. Talk about the scales falling from the eyes of the Jews through the work of the Holy Spirit, this is exactly that.Updated Jan 4, 2018, 7:51 AM

Jan 3, 2018, 5:42 PM – Becca Biderman shared a link to the group: In search of His ancient and true path …from cover to cover.

https://wp.me/p34Gj3-Ri4:45 Helicopter opens fire on a target in Gaza moments ago
4:30 pm Helicopter opens fire on a target in Gaza moments ago
3:30 A second rocket explodes in Israel in open space, no sirens.
2:40 IDF using tanks to retaliate against rocket launching positions in Gaza

2:30 Rocket explodes in Israeli territory, no sirens
5:00 Israel now believes that the rocket attack that targeted the Oron Shaul event on Friday was carried out by PIJUpdated Jan 3, 2018, 5:42 PM