New Moon Report

A biblical month starts at the first appearance of a crescent new moon. This location posts the scientific data provided by the Israeli New Moon Society. The data is given for the purpose of viewing the forecasted crescent new moon in each 29-30 day cycle. Science is dependent on calculations and is a good guideline, but Elohim has the final say and can present the moon at His pleasure. Therefore, the moon is watched for on every 29th and 30th day regardless of the scientific calculations.

The results of successful viewings from other locations in Israel as they become available are published in this location. Those results may or may not include photos from the various locations.

When counting to Elohim’s dates that represent times of worship by the moon phases, you cannot arrive at the nearest position to a full moon by counting from the dark of the moon or the absence of light. To be able to number fourteen days and rest against the galgal or the gugoleth (circle or skull), you must begin the count on the new crescent moon, which is the sickle moon. From the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation, we are given more than just words. Those words are demonstrated on the land of Israel and in the Life of our Messiah Yeshua. They are brought to life with the patterns and cycle of the biblical calendar.

If you want to learn to count based on the new moon sightings, we have developed a simple format in English for you to print.

Click below to download the pdf.

Ancient Path New Moon Tracker

To see the location and time of the new moon, click on the photo.

2024 Rosh Hashanah ~March 11, 2024