Noah was 600 years old; six is the number of man. He was born on the first day of the first month, or Aviv 1. Gen 7:6-11 His name meant he will give rest, Gen 5:29 “This same shall comfort us concerning out work and toil of our hands”. Noah was perfect in his generation Gen 6:9.
The Messiah gave rest; Hebrews chapter 4 says we enter His rest. We no longer preform the work of bringing offerings and gifts to a temple, his is the Melchezedik priest, he offered himself once and rested, so we rest. Heb 7:27; Heb 9:7 He was perfect in his generation.
Isaac was a type of the Lamb of God when Abraham determined to offer him for a sacrifice because Yehovah had required it of him. Isaac was prophecised to be born in a year from the date the three heavenly visitors came to Abraham. Gen 18:2 We know two things: Abraham killed and cooked a tender calf for his visitors. Gen 18:7 The visitors called it the ‘time of life’ when they said they would return the following year. Gen 18:10 Aviv is the time of life when animals bring forth their young in this land.
The tabernacle was erected on the first day of the first month. Ex 40:1-2 The tabernacle was a dwelling place for Elohim, a dwelling place that wore animal skin Ex 26:1-14. When Adam and Eve fell Elohim clothed them in hide, or flesh; changing their incorruptible bodies for human bodies. Gen 3:21
The fullness of the Father was pleased to dwell in the body of Yeshua, the tabernacle of flesh, Aviv 1. Col 1:19
King Hezekiah is known as Israel’s most righteous king. He took his reign on the first day of the first month. The first thing he did was to cleanse the temple and throw the idols out. On the 8th day he made it to the temple door, on the 16th day he finished the work. 2 Chronicles 29:17
Yeshua cleansed his temple shortly before his death (8th day?) the month with the aviv. Mark 12:41; Luke 21:1-4 On the 16th day Yeshua finished his work in death and rose on the 17th day (Firstfruits/Sunday). John 20:1; Matt 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1
Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist 18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell.
Ex 13:12 Yeshua opened the matrix of Mary’s womb (Luke 2:23)
Ex 22: 9 Firstborn and only begotten son of Elohim (John 3:16)
Ex 22:29 He was the first of the firstfruits (Col 1:18)
Luke 2:8 I believe He was the first-born sheep in the land of Israel the year He was born. The shepherds where in the field keeping watch over their flock because they were waiting for the annual aviv birth of the lambs to begin; wolves, and jackals and hyenas would move in on ewes and lambs for an easy meal. They needed to guard them from predators as they used caves in fields to house their sheep in. John 1:29 While today you will see wire corrals placed in front of these caves in the first century the corrals were probably rock walls and dry brush.
Yeshua was from the tribe of Judah, Judah’s month was Nissan or the month of the aviv.
I believe:
He was represented in the first day of the first month of the year
He was the first lamb of the year, the lamb of Elohim
He was the first of the firstfruits from the dead
He was the one that opened Mary’s matrix
He was the first and only begotten of the Father
Col 1:18…… that in all things he might have the preeminence
I am aware of the priestly order of Abijah/Abia that Zacharias (Luke 1:5) belonged to and that it is suppose to point to a Fall birth for Messiah. I use to believe that too, but I cannot un-see this pattern I have been shown. If I am weighing the evidence there is much more evidence for a ‘first day of the first month’ birth than a Fall birth.