Dear Children
In the Hebrew language, there is a very small word את .את is pronounced ‘et’. This word has a specific function. Et gives direction. Without this word’s presence in the structure of a Hebrew sentence, we can not know the object that is receiving the action of the intended subject. I want to look at a verse with you that I’ve looked at before. The Spirit of Elohim used it as a springboard to show me something that brought a lot of understanding to me
Deu 16:1 שׁמור את־חדשׁ האביב ועשׂית פסח ליהוה אלהיך כי בחדשׁ האביב הוציאך יהוה אלהיך ממצרים לילה׃
In the KJV Deu 16:1 Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover unto the LORD thy God: for in the month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night. But this is not quite what the verse says when translated into English. It seems the King James translators didn’t really know what to do with ‘et’. This literally says “observe, guard et (in the direction of) a month of the aviv”. Later in the verse, we see פסח, Passover, is not preceded by a ה, ‘the’, meaning Passover is a proper name, but the KJV has added a ‘the’ in this location in the sentence while leaving ‘the’ out preceding the word aviv. Aviv is not a proper name, it is not the name of a month as the KJV has it written in the verse, it is not preceded by an ה, ‘the’; aviv is something in a specific month.
Here is the corrected translation based on the text of the Torah: Deu 16:1 Observe, guard a month of (et) the abib, and keep Passover unto יהוה Elohim: for in a month of (et) the abib יהוה Elohim brought thee from Egypt by night. Et is a powerful word that corrected my understanding of Deut 16:1 we are to Observe a month of (et) the abib. The aviv is what we are observing.
Et gives direction. Et (את) is made up of the very first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and the very last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. א, aleph is an ‘a’ in English, or in Greek is it alpha. ת, tav is a ‘t’ in English and tav is called an omega Greek. Do you know where we are going yet?
Rev 1:8 I am Alpha (א, aleph) and Omega (ת, tav), the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Rev 1:11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega ( את) the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
Rev 21:6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega ( את), the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
I began it, I finished it. It is done!
Rev 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega ( את), the beginning and the end, the first and the last 15 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Yeshua is saying He is the aleph and the tav, yes, He is saying even more than this, but for today for us, the lesson is He is the את. He is the power in the spoken word that holds everything together
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; Hebrews 1:3
In between the aleph and the tav are twenty more consonants for a total of twenty-two consonants. These twenty-two consonants make up the words of the Torah. Yeshua is the את. He is the Word made flesh. John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. He points the way to Truth.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
He points the way to holiness, meaning the way to the set part life, the way to the ancient path of Jer 6:16.
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways (derek דרק), and see, and ask for the old paths (derek דרק), where is the good way (derek דרק), and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
He points the way back (derek דרק) to the Father, to restoration as eternal Sons of Yehovah. John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.
When Yeshua says “ I am Alpha and Omega” He is declaring Himself to be the Torah, the Word of Elohim.
B’reysheet, Genesis, in the beginning:
Genesis 1:1 בראשׁית ברא אלהים את השׁמים ואת הארץ
which written in English as: In the beginning created Elohim (et את) the heavens and (et את) the earth. There is Yeshua (et) in the first verse of creation.
John 1:1 בְּרֵאשִׁית הָיָה הַדָּבָר וְהַדָּבָר הָיָה אֶת־הָאֱלֹהִים וְהוּא הַדָּבָר הָיָה אֱלֹהִים׃: which reads in English: (B’reysheet, Genesis) In the beginning was the word and the word was (et את) the Elohim and He the word was Elohim. 2 הוּא הָיָה מֵרֹאשׁ אֶת־הָאֱלֹהִים׃ He was from head/originated (et את) the Elohim (or He originated from the Elohim). (See the head covering of 1 Corinthians 11) This verse is teaching us what we have already learned, the order of origination is the order of authority. We live an LARP (live action role play) to borrow a phrase from our generations, of representing our Elohim. Yeshua is from His Father, man is from Yeshua, and woman is from the man. Points of origin.
Indulge me as I put together Genesis 1:1, John 1:1, 2 and Hebrews 1:3: In the beginning the Elohim created (et את) the heavens and (et את) the earth. In the beginning was the word and the word was (et את) the Elohim and He the word was Elohim. He originated from the Elohim. And Yeshua being the brightness of the glory of the Elohim and the express image of the person of the Elohim, and unholding all things by the word of His power, when He, Yeshua, had purged our sins, sat down on the right had of the Majesty on high;. In John chapter one written in Hebrew in Salkinson’s Hebrew New Testament, Elohim is used Elohim as a title and notes the origin of Yeshua. Yeshua’s orgin is the unnamed Light that was created on the first day in Genesis 1:3-5 that is the life in all men (John 1:4).
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God call the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Genesis 1
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of all men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1
את is represented in Passover. את is represented in the holy or set apart new moons or month. את is used in combination with all of the letters of the Hebrew aleph-bet, words and writing of the Tenakh. All of the prophets testified of Him Acts 10:43 To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.Without את we are lost, hopeless and without direction. Without את, we don’t have a ‘way (derek דרק)‘ to come to the Father.
Prov 14:12 There is a way (path) which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways (paths) of death.
Prov 16:25 There is a way (path) that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways (paths) of death.
Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 are one of those pay attention moments in the scriptures because the same sentence is repeated a second time meaning it was important to repeat it.
If Yeshua was in the beginning, if Yeshua is the Word made flesh, if Yeshua only can to do and say what he had heard from the father, then He was the written את (alphabet, the words) of the Old Testament He points the way to the ultimate subject, the Father.
19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. John 5
Did Yeshua come to do away with Himself,? If He came to do away with the Law He came to do away with Himself. Or if he can to do away with Himself what happens to the power of His words that holds all things together in Hebrews chapter one. Rather, He come as a brother, as a fellow tribesman, as a Kinsman Redeemer to point to Himself as the kinsman redeemer of the tribes of Israel and the world. He came in flesh to (את) point to the clear understanding of the Torah so that we can be reconciled with His Father, to The Fathers who are The Elohim from Genesis?
Any ‘way’ (dereck, road)-of-life without the Law is a life away from the correct path. It is a life apart from the Way, the Law, the את of Abraham. Joh 8:56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see (et) my day: and he saw it, and was glad. 57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Literally, this says “in the before of Abraham, I was.” He existed in Genesis, in the beginning, את. Gen 1:26 Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And from the beginning we were created in a single form with plurality: And God said, Let us make man (singular) in our image, after our likeness: and let them (plural) have dominion. A little later in the chapter Eve would be removed from a facet of Adam’s being just as it says of Yeshua being separated from the Elohim in the book of John, Corinthians, and many other places.
So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee. Hebrews 5:5
Hebrews 5:5 is quoting Psalms 2:7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
Corinthians says this of the Elohim, the Father and Son:
And when all things shall be subdued unto him (Yeshua), then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him (the Father) that put all things under him (Yeshua), that God (the Elohim) may be all in all. 1 Corinthians 15:28
We see the same in the pattern of the man and woman in Genesis:
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24
And again in Ephesians we see two being one again:
Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; Eph 2:15
We were created in the image of Elohim, the Fathers. Having more than one Father is something that is seen throughout the language of the Torah even until today between the Jews and Arabs. Abraham and Sarah shared a male ancestor among the fathers in their family tree, it is how Abraham called Sarah sister. They were able to both look back to one male descendant they both came from. It’s interesting that a biblical word for Grandpa does not exist, the Elohim planned it that way.
Issac and Rebekah shared a male ancestor in their family tree, Isaac too called Rebekah his sister. Today the Jews still refer to Abraham as their father, as to the Arabs; however the Jews and the Arabs refer to each other as cousins rather than brothers. If we were to follow the pattern of the bible they would be brothers as they both descended from Abraham.
Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1, 2: In the beginning created the Elohim (et את) the heavens and (et את) the earth. In the beginning was the word and the word was (et את) the Elohim and He the word was the Elohim. He originated of the Elohim.
Today the nation of Israel is without understanding of or a relationship with את, the Messiah, the person that upholds all things by the word His power. Most Christians who sit in churches are without understanding or an ancient path based relationship with את. They have a way that seems right to men, but the end will not lead them to eternal life.
Rev 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega ( את), the beginning and the end, the first and the last 15 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.